Frequently asked questions

What does it cost to attend ICON?


Tuition COST

All Iowa Residents may apply for the Iowa Education Savings Account Program (ESA) for tuition support.
Iowa residents enrolled full-time in one of Iowa’s accredited nonpublic schools can apply to receive funding equal to the “per pupil” rate allocated public school districts for the same budget school year. All Iowa residents are eligible.

Learn more about the ESA HERE.

Need and talent-based scholarships are available. Reach out to to learn more.

Additional Fees :

Deposit: $1000

Annual Registration: $350

Student Life Fee: $350

Boarding: pricing per bed per month unless otherwise noted

  • 2 bedroom – $800
  • 3 bedroom – $700
  • 3 bedroom (4 people) – $600

Meals: Students bring their own lunch to campus, and boarding students cook at home in the care of residential assistants.

Additionally, there is a student lounge with refrigerator and microwave available in the school building.


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